Weight Loss Boost your melatonin and lower your risk of weight gain 10 ways to increase your body's production of melatonin to sleep better and lose weight.
Health How worried should you be about germs? Everything you need to know about germs, including how to minimize your exposure and stay well
Health Is a vegetarian diet better for you? What you need to know before you switch to a vegetarian diet.
Fitness Why you shouldn't be scared of inclines Embrace that looming hill and reap the fitness benefits
Nutrition 6 spice combos already in your pantry Skip the salt and add flavor with one of these spice blends
Stress 6 places stress gets trapped in the body Get rid of tension in surprising spots with these smart strategies.
Healthy Living What’s the right way to wash produce? Take the confusion out of cleaning fruits and veggies
Health Anti-inflammatory diet: 5 tips for success A quick guide to using the foods you eat to prevent inflammation.
Nutrition 7 low-calorie foods that add zing to meals Get a blast of flavor (and nutrition) from nature.
Health Are you salt sensitive? What you can do to lower your blood pressure if you're "salt sensitive."
Fitness Your complete pool workout, no laps required Do this total body workout in the pool without swimming a single lap.
Healthy Living Activities to escape cabin fever Get rid of cabin fever with 8 fun things to do—including comedy shows and maple sugaring.
Healthy Living "Some of the greatest joys await us" Dr. Ken Druck says we need to look at the opportunities ahead.