Healthy Living

If you live in a home but your name isn’t on the deed, you may have a tangled title. This can create legal and financial challenges, but help is available. 
Did you know Philadelphia has its own laughter yoga club? Or that laughter yoga is even a thing? Alexa Fong Drubay, certified laughter yoga master trainer, global laughter ambassador member, and director of Laughter Yoga, is here to teach us about laughter yoga and its benefits.
There are three important components to caregiving, known as the "I-R-S" of caregiving: information, respite, and support. Each is vital to being a good caregiver.
More than 25% of older adults fall every year. Slippery sidewalks, icy driveways, and cold weather add to your risk. Here’s how to navigate more safely so you can stay steady on your feet.
Potted plants are more than living knickknacks. They can help keep you healthier. A renowned British horticulturist shares tips for budding gardeners on how to get started
The older you get, the wiser you’ll be, if you tap the knowledge you’ve gained over the years. Still, memory slips are part of aging. These science-backed ideas can help you stay sharp
It sounds simple: To maintain your weight and protect your health, you need to burn as many calories as you eat and drink. But at this stage of life you’re likely moving less overall, even if you exercise. Here’s help!