For a healthy pregnancy, one of the best things you can do may be the last thing you actually feel like doing as your little one grows inside of you: exercise.
A full nine months might seem like a long time to wait for your newborn to arrive, but doctors divide the time up into three-month chunks called trimesters.
On top of everything else that new parents have to handle, keeping the various parts of a breast pump clean can feel like a part-time job in and of itself.
No one can know for certain what will happen on the day their baby arrives, but it’s wise for mothers to think ahead and consider their own wishes for giving birth.
You’ve stocked the nursery with baby books, spent hours putting together a changing table, and agonized over your baby’s going-home-outfit—but now it’s time to focus on you.
Expecting mothers face a lot of changes, including some they may not anticipate. Great hair, chalk cravings, the appearance of a dark line on the skin—all can be part of the deal.
Before you start picking out names and knitting booties for your soon-to-be-here baby, you’ve got an important job to do: Choosing a provider for prenatal care.
Your diagnosis has been confirmed. Your care team is in place. Now it’s time to work closely with your gynecologic oncologist to map out your ovarian cancer treatment plan.
Needle phobia is very common in young people. And while most kids grow out of it, there’s a lot that parents can do to ease their anxiety, starting with these tips.