Stay warm while you save

Keeping your home warm and cozy isn’t just key to your comfort. It’s also an important part of maintaining your health.

Mature woman opening curtains

Open the curtains on sunny days to let sunlight in during the day.

Adjust ceiling fans to push warm air down instead of circulating cooling air.

Close off rooms you’re not using, including the vents, so heat travels to rooms you use most.

Clear space around heat sources. Your heating system will work more efficiently.

Set the thermostat temperature to cooler in the evening and warmer in the morning.

Seal any gaps or cracks in your windows and doors to keep the heat inside. Use draft stoppers along doorways and weather stripping on windows.

Conserve more energy by investing in energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.

Invest in insulation to your walls and attic. This will help keep heat in and lower your energy bills.

Where to turn for financial help

From holiday shopping to increased energy costs, money can be tight in the winter. Here’s the good news: Help is available. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible households with heating, cooling, and energy costs. If you’re running into challenges with your bills, check your LIHEAP eligibility.

Many other programs, such as the Pennsylvania Weatherization Assistance Program, can also provide you with cost-saving assistance.

Find the ideal temperature

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 68° F is ideal for saving energy while keeping your house warm in cooler climates. You can save up to 10% on heating by turning your thermostat down 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours a day during colder months.