Let’s connect

Learn how to keep in touch with us and protect yourself from text, email, and phone scams.

A woman looking at her mobile phone

As an IBX Medicare Advantage member, you may be contacted throughout the year. Knowing how we’ll contact you can protect you from scams. Plus, it can help ensure you don’t miss important content and helpful tips.

Not signed up for texts or emails? Getting connected is a great idea so you don’t miss out on the digital content, tips, and advice we have for you. You can sign up for either one or both at ibxmedicare.com/connect.

Texts & emails

Many of you are opted in to receiving text messages and emails. These are convenient ways for us to send you:

  • Health and wellness information
  • Important plan information
  • Helpful tips about using your plan benefits

Our texts may come through as:

  1. Messages from Ivy, our real-time texting assistant, contacting you on our behalf
  2. Messages from the five-digit number 77576. Messages from this number will let you know that you have a private message waiting. Click the link in the message to a secure message portal where you can view the full message.

Emails from us should automatically display that they’re coming from Independence Blue Cross. If they don’t, verify that the email address is memberengagement@communication.ibx2.com. All our emails will come from this address, so it’s easy to identify potentially harmful spam emails.

Save 77576 and memberengagement@communication.ibx2.com as a contact named IBX so you’ll know when secure texts and emails are coming from us.

Phone calls

We may also reach out to you by phone to check in and make sure you’re taking advantage of your plan benefits.

There isn’t a standard number that these calls come from, so it’s best to avoid calls that your caller ID flags as spam alerts. If you don’t feel comfortable answering calls from an unknown number, let it go to voicemail. Our representatives will always leave a message. If you ever aren’t sure whether a call came from us or not, call our Member Help Team at the number on the back of your member ID card and they can assist. If your caller ID identifies an incoming call as coming from IBX, it’s safe to assume that’s us.