Frequently asked questions

Q: My on-exchange member needs to update their health plan. Should I contact Pennie or Independence?

A: When it comes to on-exchange policies, you should work with Pennie directly. Independence is unable to make any changes to on-exchange policies without receiving the request from Pennie.

Q: My consumer member was recently enrolled in an Independence group plan. Do they need to cancel their individual plan or will it be canceled automatically?

A: For off-exchange members, either you or the member should contact Independence to inform us that they no longer need their individual coverage. On-exchange members should contact Pennie directly, and Pennie will relay the information to Independence. Taking this proactive step helps reduce possible billing issues.

Q: Do I need to be Pennie-certified if I only plan on selling individual plans to off-exchange members?

A: Yes, all consumer brokers must be Pennie-certified. The majority of our consumer membership is on-exchange, and we feel it is vital for brokers to be capable of assisting both on- and off-exchange individuals.

Q: Who should I contact if I have questions about a member’s benefits, billing, claims, or enrollment?

A: Our Broker Care Center is dedicated to assisting brokers, resolving issues, and answering questions about member policies. You can reach the Broker Care Center by email at or phone at 866-272-9684.

Q: How can I enroll my members in automatic recurring payments?

A: Brokers cannot enroll members for recurring payments. Members must enroll themselves by logging in at — it’s quick and easy! Setting up recurring payments will ensure your members’ coverage isn’t terminated for not paying their monthly premium.

Q: Am I able to make a payment for a member?

Yes, brokers can use our “guest pay” feature to help members make payments. You’ll need the member’s billing account and invoice numbers to make a payment.

Pay as guest.

Q: How can I see what members will soon be eligible for Medicare?

A: Independence provides brokers with an Age-Out Report, which displays your members who will soon be turning 26 or 65. We provide this report to help you retain membership of both dependents needing their own health plan and those preparing for the transition to Medicare. You can access your Age-Out Report through the Sales Portal in the Broker Reports folder.

Q: What is the best way for a member to request a new ID card?

A: Members can log in at or using the IBX mobile app to request a new ID card or view their digital ID card.

Q: Does an individual need to be enrolled in an Independence health plan to purchase a LifeSecure policy?

A: No, an individual does not need to be enrolled in a health plan to purchase a LifeSecure policy.