Health and wellness

Get connected Text, email, and mobile app are simple and secure ways to stay informed about your health plan.

IBX Wire®

IBX Wire1 is your private communication channel with Independence Blue Cross (IBX). Get personalized reminders about your health, important plan information, and member-exclusive offers sent right to your mobile phone.

See what IBX Wire can do for you

Image of cell phone being used to access IBX information
Image of cell phone being used to access IBX information

Start maximizing your membership today

Text IBX to 77576, call 1-888-700-1078, or click below to sign up online.


Prefer email? No problem! Complete a quick online form to receive notifications from IBX by email.

Sign up!


IBX app

It’s easy to get the information you need on your mobile device. Log in to your secure member account using the free IBX mobile app for iPhone or Android so you can easily access health plan information, find resources, and get support when you need it.

You can use the app to:

  • Access Health Journeys for a quick view of everything related to your care, including your personal health record, condition-specific information, and well-being resources available to you
  • Create a custom directory of your care team for quick access to your favorite providers
  • Get alerts and reminders for screenings, prescription refills, and other gaps in care (for example, a missed health screening)
  • Reach a Registered Nurse Health Coach when you have health-related questions
  • Estimate out-of-pocket costs based on your specific health plan
  • View, print, or share your member ID card
  • Access your coverage, benefits, and claims anytime
  • Pay your premium

Download now

Get the IBX app for your iPhone or Android device from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store:

app store image  google app image

1 Wire® is a registered trademark and service mark of Relay Network, LLC.

By providing my cell phone number and/ or email address, I authorize Independence Blue Cross, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Independence”), and my employer to contact me via email, automated text and/or cell phone call. I understand that my consent is not a condition of any benefit or purchase and that I can opt out at any time. Message and data rates may apply. To view the communication preferences terms and conditions, please visit

To ensure your privacy, all information will be sent via a secure connection. Independence will not disclose any personal information to outside persons or entities unless we have written consent or unless authorized by law. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices for more information.