Estimate costs
Did you know that you can estimate your out-of-pocket costs before you schedule a doctor’s appointment or medical procedure? You can, with the new Care Cost Estimator tool.1 It also lets you compare providers by price, based on your specific health plan. Use it at home at or on the go with the IBX App!
View our Member Flyer, which has complete instructions for using the Care Cost Estimator.

Avoid surprises and save money
Estimate costs before you go to the doctor. Use the cost estimator at home by logging in at or on the go with the IBX App!
Know your options — before you need them
Make the most of your benefits by getting the most from your health care dollars. Here are some other important ways to save on care:
How to save on medical costs
Types of health care facilities
1 These estimated costs are not a guarantee of your liability. Payment of claims and member liability are based on the terms of your health benefit plan, eligibility at the time the services are provided, co-payments and co-insurance, and the actual services submitted for payment by your provider.
2 Also available for mobile devices.